Tuesday, June 17, 2008

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post, the player tags 5-6 people, posts their names, then leaves a comment in their respective blogs to let them know they've been tagged.
4. Let the person who tagged you know that you posted your answers.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I had just move to Houston, Tx. I was homeschooling Lauren and Chandler was in Kindergarten. We were on a temporary assignment with COP and had fun going to Astros games and Rockets.

2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today?
For tomorrow: 1. Exercise(I bet you thought I wouldn't do it)2. Clean garbage cans3.Work on Bible Study4. Paint5. Work in my garden

3. What are some snacks you enjoy?
I love sweets! Jared's kiddie concrete butterfinger ice cream. The Rolling Pin's Sugar Cookies and m&m's. See why I work-out.

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Pay debt, pay for college, take all family on a big trip and give alot away to church and missions.

5. What are 3 of your bad habits?
being bossy, napping way too much and overeating

6. Where have you lived? Brownfield, Tx, Borger, Tx, Edmond, Ok. ,Borger, Tx., Houston, Tx and Bartlesville, OK

7. What are 5 jobs you've had?
1) Babysitting2) Shoe saleslady3)Credit Reporting Agency4)RA5)Travel Consultant6)Full Time Mom7)Home School Teacher8)ACS Kindergarten Teacher9)ACS Office Admin. Assistant

8.What is currently playing on your IPOD?
Rascal Flatts, Celine Dion, Garth Brooks, Josh Groban, Travis Cottrell

9. What are the last 5-6 books you've read?
1)Upward to Heaven Jon Krakauer2)When Fireflies Fly Charles Martin, Yada Yada Girls Neta Jackson, Leadership 101 by John MacArthur, Deep River Robert Whitlow

10. Who do you want to tag? Lauren, Laura and Shelley

Monday, June 9, 2008

Exercise Dilemna

Exercising is one of my least favorite activities. It ranks with cleaning up after a sick child, cleaning up after a sick dog and doing laundry. Don't get me wrong, I know how important it is and I know how great I feel after engaging in a great cardio session, yet I hate it. The thoughts of getting out there, on a walk or to the gym, is mental havoc. I want to, but I can't get my feet moving. I usually go and get a fitness magazine and maybe a new workout outfit, but that's as far as it goes.
Exciting news! I am really excited! I have exercised for two full days. I have so much energy and I haven't felt this good in a while. Now don't get too excited because I don't tend to stick to any kind of exercise for very long...therefore the topic of my blog...to have my friends and family read it and keep me accountable by asking, asking and more asking, "did you exercise today?" I may give you a guilty look or sometimes I may out right lie, but please keep at me. I am 45 and I need to look fit by 50. I can do this.
Which brings me the spiritual aspect of all of this. Our bodies are temples of the Lord. I believe this with all of my heart. I don't want to just look good, but I want to be around for my kids, grandkids, and my sweet husband. I want to really run the race well and honor the Lord not only physically but in all aspects. He sacrificed His all for me.
In conclusion, thanks for letting me share this struggle. It seems trivial, but it is real to me and might be my thorn in the flesh. Thanks for listening and remember if you see me out don't forget to ask me the question.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008