Monday, June 9, 2008

Exercise Dilemna

Exercising is one of my least favorite activities. It ranks with cleaning up after a sick child, cleaning up after a sick dog and doing laundry. Don't get me wrong, I know how important it is and I know how great I feel after engaging in a great cardio session, yet I hate it. The thoughts of getting out there, on a walk or to the gym, is mental havoc. I want to, but I can't get my feet moving. I usually go and get a fitness magazine and maybe a new workout outfit, but that's as far as it goes.
Exciting news! I am really excited! I have exercised for two full days. I have so much energy and I haven't felt this good in a while. Now don't get too excited because I don't tend to stick to any kind of exercise for very long...therefore the topic of my have my friends and family read it and keep me accountable by asking, asking and more asking, "did you exercise today?" I may give you a guilty look or sometimes I may out right lie, but please keep at me. I am 45 and I need to look fit by 50. I can do this.
Which brings me the spiritual aspect of all of this. Our bodies are temples of the Lord. I believe this with all of my heart. I don't want to just look good, but I want to be around for my kids, grandkids, and my sweet husband. I want to really run the race well and honor the Lord not only physically but in all aspects. He sacrificed His all for me.
In conclusion, thanks for letting me share this struggle. It seems trivial, but it is real to me and might be my thorn in the flesh. Thanks for listening and remember if you see me out don't forget to ask me the question.


Courtney said...

yeah for updates! :) thanks for commenting. i really enjoyed my time wiht lauren this week!

Dalene said...

I always kick myself when I fail to do the things that make me feel so great! Good reminders of my flesh.

It doesn't seem like "50" should be on your radar yet, though!

I hope your foot is feeling better.

Vickie said...

I have felt great, too, and love working out with a friend, especially you! God has given you a great body to be a good steward of and all it takes is a tithe of a small amount of time (and sleep). You (we) can do it!

P.S. You've been my blog.

Aubrey said...

You know me Denise...I'll check up on ya! You are absolutely right about wanting to be around for your kids, grandkids and husband! I've heard that from so many people lately. I will pray that your energy and desire to do this will stay at it's peak. Remember to set those goals for yourself...even if they're short term.

Aubrey said...

Oh...and GREAT family picture too! I love the color coordination with the blue ocean in the background!

Marci said...

Hey Denise! I am the opposite. . .I LOVE to exercise, but I feel like I never have the time. With all the other responsibilities of life, exercising always seems to slip off of my "to do list".

Getting away this past month helped me to refocus on how important it is to stay healthy and exercising is definitely a part of that. I realize that I may not be around to enjoy as much of life with all of these precious responsibilities I have now if I don't get into gear and take care of myself.

So, I have been exercising for a little over a month now and it is now on my Priority List of things to do. I think planning has a lot to do with it.

I am glad you have someone to exercise with- - -that always helps.

Love the picture!